Bringing the Energy of Sun Inside: Golden Furniture Sets

Gold… When introduced into an interior, it enlivens the atmosphere, makes your home shine with luxury and aristocracy. Being the time-honored symbol of wealth and nobility, the golden color will turn even the most ordinary rooms into royal apartments with the right furniture in a golden tone. The golden shades of the sun symbolize energy,…

The Energy of Winter: Light Blue

The winter color palette is definitely cool, clear, vivid, high contrast. We have already covered the winter colors, like White As Snow and Rich Blue before. Today, it is the turn of the lighter hue of blue to take the stage with the FurniturePick. If you feel like staying within the winter palette this year,…

5 Tips for Getting Ready for Christmas Party

Make sure that you have got your furniture arrangement right, think about the area for kids, and get Christmas treats ready at hand to welcome your guests. Follow FurniturePick‘s advice and stay joyful this festive season! 1 Do major cleaning. Consider how many guests are expected and take a step back to estimate if there…